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BOOK & BAKE SALE 2023 - Saturday and Sunday May 13 and 14

March 31, 2023 19:33 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

We’re ramping up for our charity May 13/14 Book and Book Sale for FIZ (Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration) and the AWCZ

First, let's give you some background. At the AWCZ we have PhASE (Philanthropy and Social Engagement) which provides volunteer opportunities for our members. PhASE organizes fundraising events and hands-on volunteering opportunities aimed at creating a close working relationship between a club-sponsored charity and our members. This serves as a meaningful way for members to engage with their local community. Our current Club-sponsored charity, FIZ, provides advocacy, counseling and support for women migrants and victims of human trafficking in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. FIZ operates 6 shelters for 35 women and counseled 400 migrants in 2021.

Our Book & Bake Sale 2022, organized by our PhASE Chairwoman, Lisa W., was extremely successful: we sold over 2,000 books! To make it even more successful this year, we're looking for books, volunteers and baked good donations. 

>> We're collecting books in good condition - only English and German children’s and adult English. No travel guides, cookbooks, text books, yellowed pages or other languages please. 

>> We need volunteers. You'd like to help? Please choose a time slot here or email Lisa at to donate a baked good:

Contact Lisa at to let us know how you can support one of our biggest fundraisers! 
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