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The American Women’s Club of Zurich is governed by a board of seven elected officers, an appointed parliamentarian and three appointed standing committee chairs. In addition, numerous special or ad hoc committee chairs are appointed, as necessary, for special projects, and other Club activities and operations. 

AWCZ Officers and Chairs

Executive Board

President: Lyla Taylor

Oversees activities of board officers and acts as official spokesperson of the Club.

Vice President - Member Relations & Activities: Linda Cipriani

Promotes and oversees member involvement in Club events, activity groups, and volunteer opportunities.

Vice President - Communications: Yunting Dai

Responsible for Club communications, and oversees the website, social media, monthly email newsletters, and The Round Robin magazine.

Vice President - Events: Maura McGovern-Solca

Coordinates annual and special Club events and programs for our membership.

Vice President - Clubhouse Operations: Linda Christen

Oversees Clubhouse operations and administration.

SecretaryKaryn Wynn

Maintains minutes, reports, and other correspondence of all Executive Board and Club meetings.

Treasurer: Susan Carpenter

Coordinates all Club financial transactions, reporting, budget, and auditing activities.

Standing Committee Chairs

FAWCO Representative: Wendy Cideciyan 

Serves as liaison between AWCZ and the non-governmental organization of the Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas.

Development Chair: Rosa Hernández Zambrano

Coordinates the fundraising programs of the Club, including Workshop Week and the Christmas Market.

Library Chair: Patti Baumgartner 

Oversees all operational aspects of AWCZ library.

Parliamentarian: Rachel Thibodeaux 

Membership Chair: Karen Carpenter Probst

Manages club membership database and membership inquiries.

Round Robin Chair: Elaine Sieff

Oversees all operational aspects of producing The Round Robin magazine.

PhASE - Philanthropy And Social Engagement: Karen Spink

Identifies community service and philanthropic opportunities in the greater Zurich areas for AWCZ members and their families.

Special Committee Chairs

Office Manager: OPEN POSITION

Manages "front office" aspects of the Club.

Activities Chair: OPEN POSITION

Contact person for new and existing activities.

Advertising Manager: Amanda Wigfall

Maintains relations with print and web advertisers.

Christmas MarketRosa Hernández Zambrano

Coordinates annual AWCZ Christmas market and visit with Santa event.

Workshop Week: OPEN POSITION 

Coordinates annual AWCZ week-long continuing education workshop program.

Welcome Chair: Dawn Tischer

Welcomes new AWCZ members to the Club and Zurich.

Member to Member Care Team Manager: Dawn Tischer

Provides assistance for AWCZ members in emergency or crisis situations.

Gallery at the Club: Nina Zimnik

Oversees The Gallery at the Club program in our Clubhouse.

Kids Corner: Briana Steele-Zerbini/Julia Carneiro

Coordinates family oriented programs and activities for AWCZ members.

Scheduler: Lyla Taylor/Sue Carpenter

Coordinates scheduling of Clubhouse rooms for the AWCZ and external organizations.

Webmaster: Yunting Dai

Manages the AWCZ website.

Social Media Coordinator: Daria Bongiorni

Manages the AWCZ Social Media channels: Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn.

American Women's Club OF Zurich

Mission StateMent

Our mission is to foster social exchange and support within the English-speaking community of Zurich and to help our members feel at home in this beautiful city. 

Höschgasse 38, 8008 Zürich

+41 44 240 4455

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