Make your favorite chili with all the fixin's to share and enter into our contest to see how your recipe stacks up! We encourage your families and friends to join us in deciding who has the ultimate chili recipe!
Chili cooking not your thing? For just CHF 10 per person, come and sample all the entries and join in on the fun.
Proceeds from the Cook Off and drink sales will go to our FAWCO Target Project.
Deadline for registering is February 1 and cancellation is February 5.
For further questions, contact Laurel.

AWCZ Cancellation and No Show Policy: For those cost-based Events and Activities, the participant/s will be billed for the Event/Activity unless she/he has cancelled before the cancellation deadline in writing or per e-mail. For free Events and Activities, as we need an accurate head count for the caterers, the cancellation deadline should be honored. Thank you for your understanding.