PAWZ - Professional American Women Zurich networking group is back!
PAWZ brings together businesswomen of diverse occupations and providing them opportunities to help themselves and others grow personally as well as professionally through leadership, education, friendship, and networking support.
The group's events will be scheduled mostly afterwork or exceptionally in the weekends with some networking activities such as: dinner, movies, exhibitions, workshops...
Our first meeting in 2022 is scheduled to be on November 28, at 18.00 with an afterwork event at D-vino Schützengasse 12, 8001 Zürich.
If you are looking for opportunities to extend the professional network while enjoying fun activities afterwork, this sounds like a group for you.
Please contact PAWZ for more information and request to be added to our mailing list and details of the group activities.
Our mission is to foster social exchange and support within the English-speaking community of Zurich and to help our members feel at home in this beautiful city.
Höschgasse 38, 8008 Zürich
+41 44 240 4455