Everyone is a writer. Everyone has a unique voice. These are two principles of the Amherst Writers and Artists Workshop, developed by the late Pat Schneider.
In this workshop you will learn about the AWA philosophy, flex your creative muscles, and write using specific prompts (activities). Participants will listen and acknowledge the others writing. There is power in being heard and listening makes us better writers.
Participants should bring a pen and paper and an open attitude!
Cost: 20 CHF Members/30 CHF Non-Members.
Additional costs of 1 CHF for materials payable cash at the venue.
Register NOW. If we still have available spots, walk-ins are welcome.
Cancellation Deadline: March 18, 2023
Lorraine Curran-Vu: Writer, retired teacher, winter swimmer, this former Bostonian has been recovering from her strict classical education and life's curve balls by writing personal essays. Her work has been published in literary magazines, the AWCZ Round Robin and in the anthology, Keeping It Under Wraps: Sex Uncensored. She was trained as a facilitator in the Amherst Writers and Artists methodology. Lorraine is on LinkedIn:
AWCZ Cancellation and No Show Policy: For those cost-based Events and Activities, the participant/s will be billed for the Event/Activity unless she/he has cancelled before the cancellation deadline in writing or per e-mail. For free Events and Activities, as we need an accurate head count for the caterers, the cancellation deadline should be honored. Thank you for your understanding.
Contact Rosy for further information.
You can pay online by Paypal* or by Wire Transfer.
If you prefer by bank transfer, please find the account details below:
Payment to: Account Name:
UBS AG American Women’s Club of Zurich
Bahnhofstrasse 45 Höschgasse 38
8001 Zürich 8008 Zürich
IBAN: CH44 0020 6206 2209 7740 X
Please be sure to include your NAME and NAME OF THE WORKSHOP with your payment. This is the only way your payment can be identified.
*When you click "pay online”, you will be directed to PayPal.