Join our fabulous annual Halloween Party for the older kids!
This year, we're hosting two parties. For the afternoon party, we will have Halloween-themed activities, crafts, and treats, geared for children from age 7 and up. If you have children who are younger, please sign them up for our other Halloween party in the morning (here).
Register now as our family-friendly parties are very popular and sell out well in advance. We will maintain a waiting list for any cancellations. If we do have a waiting list, AWCZ members will have priority.
Event Costs:
--> One (AWCZ-Member) Child* - CHF 30
Additional Member Child(ren) - CHF 15 each
*Caregivers should be with their children at the party.
Final registration and Cancellation deadline: October 22, 2023
If paying by bank transfer instead of PayPal, payment should be sent within one week of registration to hold your spot.
Registration for non-members will open later if the party hasn't sold out -- tickets will be CHF 45 for non-members. We welcome all nationalities as members. If you decide to join now, you will be allowed to register before it opens up to nonmembers -- you'll be able to participate in all club activities, become a part of the community, and take advantage of priority member registration for a full year afterward.
Have questions or want more information? Contact:

AWCZ Cancellation and No Show Policy: For those cost-based Events and Activities, the participant/s will be billed for the Event/Activity unless she/he has cancelled before the cancellation deadline in writing or per e-mail. For free Events and Activities, as we need an accurate head count for the caterers, the cancellation deadline should be honored. Thank you for your understanding.