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Atzmännig Kids' Adventure

  • June 16, 2024
  • 10:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
  • Atzmännig, RestTalstation Atzmännig 821, 8735 Rüeterswil


Registration is closed
We are planning a Kid’s Corner day trip to Atzmännig Leisure Park in St. Gallen and will split up into two groups, ages 4-8 and 9 and over based on the activities. Younger children/babies can also join with parents but there will be some limits to activities (eg, no rope adventure). This event is intended for the entire family!

"Atzmännig" is an outdoor amusement area in the Swiss countryside, with an alpine slide, ropes course, and big play area with pay-to-play amusements including trampolines and giant slides. There are a variety of hikes in the hills, including a theme trail for children. Our favorite part is the ropes course, which has a great smaller course for children aged 4 to 8.“ (

Planned Itinerary:

*10.00: Meet at Atzmännig Schutt (if you come by train, meet at Stadelhofen at 8.45 for 8.57 departure; we will also arrange car pools.)

*10.15-11.45: Spatz Männi Adventure Trail (chair lift up, hike down ~1-1.5h),

*12-12.45: Lunch break (pack our own lunches or eat there)

*13-14.30: Rope Adventure Park young kids (ages 4-8, 1.5h kids course, adult must supervise from ground)
**13-latest 16.15 (ages 8yr and older AND over 120cm, 3 hour time limit after equipment received),

*14.45 - onward: Amusement Park (14 attractions including petting zoo, trampoline, playground, some free, some paid, please note age restrictions  age restrictions),

This event is open to members and non-members.

Cost: The participants are responsible for their own expenses.

Registration/Cancellation Deadline: June 15, 2024

If you have questions, please contact Vanessa and Lauren:

American Women's Club OF Zurich

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