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Chili Cook Off

  • January 18, 2025
  • 17:30 - 20:30
  • AWCZ Clubhouse, Höschgasse 38, 8008 Zürich
  • 22


  • Tickets for non-members
  • For members who bring Chili
  • For members who are coming to taste and observe.
  • For members who are coming to taste and observe.

Registration is closed

Make your favorite chili with all the fixin's to share and enter into our contest to see how your recipe stacks up! Prize awarded.

Fundraiser for FAWCO’s Awesome Blossoms Project 2022-2025
Awesome Blossoms and Safe Spaces Project is working to empower and support women and girls in Nairobi’s Mathare slums. The goal is to create a Center of Expertise in Urban Farming where 75 women will be trained in 3 new farms. The women will learn Organic Hydroponic Urban Farming providing nutritious food for 1,500 school children. They can sell extra produce at the market to help them earn income, learn business, and gain financial management skills.

Event Cost:

20 CHF Members
25 CHF Non-Members
10 CHF Children
(children under 10 are free)*

Tickets for children are paid at the door.             

Members who bring Chili get a 5 CHF discount. 
Members can bring one immediate family member at member rate.
Cash Bar is available. 5 CHF for Margarita.

We would appreciate it very very much if you could make the payment before the event.

Registration Deadline: January 16, 2025
Cancellation Deadline: January 16, 2025

For further questions and registering your child(ren) guest(s) please contact Wendy directly.

You can pay online by Bank Transfer, Twint, or PayPal*.

- If you prefer to pay by BANK TRANSFER, please find the account details below:

Payment to:                       Account Name:

UBS AG                                  American Women’s Club of Zurich
Bahnhofstrasse 45            Höschgasse 38
8001 Zürich                          8008 Zürich

IBAN: CH44 0020 6206 2209 7740 X

Please be sure to include your NAME, THE EVENT and THE REGISTRATION NUMBER with your payment.  This is the only way your payment can be identified.

- If you'd like to pay by TWINTclick here and add the amount: Members will pay a total of 16.50 CHF/person, while non-members will pay 20.80 CHF. Please calculate your dues accordingly. Thank you.

- *When you click “pay online," you will be redirected to PayPal. Members will pay a total of 16.50 CHF/person, while non-members will pay 20.80 CHF.

Kindly note, when using PayPal & Twint for payment, a minimal additional fee of 4% is applied to cover the Club's incurred costs from TWINT and PayPal. 

Remember, it's a fundraising event – feel welcome to round up your contribution! Thank you!


AWCZ Cancellation and No Show Policy: For cost-based Events and Activities, the participant/s will be billed for the Event/Activity unless they have cancelled before the cancellation deadline. For free Events and Activities, as we need an accurate head count for the caterers, the cancellation deadline should be honored. Thank you for your understanding.

American Women's Club OF Zurich

Mission StateMent

Our mission is to foster social exchange and support within the English-speaking community of Zurich and to help our members feel at home in this beautiful city. 

Höschgasse 38, 8008 Zürich

+41 44 240 4455

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