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Trivia Night

  • March 01, 2025
  • 18:30 - 22:00
  • AWCZ Clubhouse, Höschgasse 38, 8008 Zürich


  • Snacks are included in the registration fee and there will be a cash bar.

Trivia Night is Back!

Join us for a laughter filled evening of trivia with a fabulous raffle of American goodies and prizes for the best team. Our MC will be none other, than the inimitable Greg Taylor. Book your table of 6 or be allocated a table and make new friends. Come on, show us how much you know and support our club sponsored charity, Cancer Support Switzerland, at the same time.

Member:  35 CHF per person or 200 CHF for a table of 6.

Registration/Cancellation Deadline:  February 24, 2025

Prizes will be awarded for the 1st place team.

For more information, contact Karen.

AWCZ Cancellation and No Show Policy: For this cost-based Event, the participant/s will be billed for the Event unless she/he has cancelled in writing or per e-mail. Thank you for your understanding.

You can pay online by Bank Transfer, Twint, or PayPal*.

- If you prefer to pay by BANK TRANSFER, please find the account details below:

Payment to:                       Account Name:

UBS AG                                  American Women’s Club of Zurich
Bahnhofstrasse 45            Höschgasse 38
8001 Zürich                          8008 Zürich

IBAN: CH44 0020 6206 2209 7740 X

Please be sure to include your NAME, THE EVENT and THE REGISTRATION NUMBER with your payment.  This is the only way your payment can be identified.

- If you'd like to pay by TWINTclick here and add the amount: You will pay a total of 36.40 CHF/person for a single ticket and 208 CHF for a table of six.

- *When you click “pay online," you will be redirected to PayPal. You will pay a total of 36.40 CHF/person for a single ticket and 208 CHF for a table of six.

Kindly note, when using PayPal & Twint for payment, a minimal additional fee of 4% is applied to cover the Club's incurred costs from TWINT and PayPal. 

American Women's Club OF Zurich

Mission StateMent

Our mission is to foster social exchange and support within the English-speaking community of Zurich and to help our members feel at home in this beautiful city. 

Höschgasse 38, 8008 Zürich

+41 44 240 4455

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